viernes, 9 de febrero de 2007


S/C de la Palma is the capital of my island "la palma" this city is localized on the east coast. This city has a population of about 21000 people.
S/C de la Palma isn´t very famous but it is a very touristic island. Tourists come to visit the "teatro chico" and San Francisco museum.
Lke many small cities. S/C de la palma hasn´t many problems. The best thing about this city is the"avenida". The city has three football teams: Mensajero, Tenisca and la U.D la Palma.
I like living in this city because it is a small city.

2 comentarios:

Maca dijo...

HeLlO aNtIpAtIkO!!:P hOw ArE YoU?? PuEs Na k SoLo KeRiA dEcIrTE k..(*)TkM(*)!! Y eSpErO K AlGuN dIa nOs LLeVeMs SuPer bIeN..!! PuEs Na SoLo kErIa DcIrTe ESo.. xFiS eScRIbEmE aLgUiTo!!:P JeJe.. y Ya SaBs K lAs cOsItAs K t DiGo Sn En BrOmAs!!XD bYeE!(K)KiSs(k)

conchy_castro@yahoo.es dijo...

Nice blog, although I think you could do it even better.